Portable Urinals for Women ( for your “head”-less boat)


It’s weird calling urinals stuff we love, but these portable urinals for women are sometimes desperately necessary! We all know what it is like to be out on a boat without a toilet (a head for us boaters!). The choices are usually to hold it in, hang butt naked over the edge of the boat, which may end in disaster or a good old-fashioned bucket.  The following devices offer options that may appeal to some of you (keep a straight face!):

Squatshot is a reusable portable urinal for women. A picture of a woman “going” on www.squatshot.com illustrates the potential ease of use usually reserved for guys peeing over the bow. The device is a made up of a bowl with attached hose to be directed overboard. It even comes in a cute nautical tote bag!

While investigating for this article, we found a huge variety of reusable plastic urinals similar to men’s hospital urinals. Amazon and Walmart have many to choose from.  Names like pStyle, Shewee, Go Girl and Whiz Freedom had us laughing out loud. The Go Girl is reusable and small enough to fit in a purse. P-Mate is designed to allow females to pee standing up, is made of disposable cardboard and comes in 100 packs. So many options, so little time!

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